main Changelog 1.0 === - 1.0.27 Limit the amount of mods shown in the Discord progress monitor - 1.0.26 Make sure the root dir is not the root of the drive by default - 1.0.25 Wait 10 seconds before updating the metabase schema - 1.0.24 When downloading mods, skip caching any useless file Only cache the mods.toml, `.class` files or the `META-INF/jarjar/` folder - 1.0.23 Make sure to break out of the version-based mod indexing only if the file is the latest file of the project - 1.0.22 Update VCS root again - 1.0.21 Update VCS root - 1.0.20 Change VCS root - 1.0.19 Use a builder thread factory - 1.0.18 4th time's the charm?... I hope anyways - 1.0.17 3rd attempt.. this is getting tiring - 1.0.16 Actually import the VCS trigger - 1.0.15 Second attempt at actually building Docker images - 1.0.14 Actually add a trigger for the Docker build - 1.0.13 Add Docker publishing - 1.0.12 Make sure not to have the discord progress monitor running forever - 1.0.11 Fix level of Discord logging - 1.0.10 Log information at startup about bot - 1.0.9 Log to Discord using Logback - 1.0.8 Actually escape characters in URLs - 1.0.7 Encode download urls - 1.0.6 Collect usage of classes as parameters - 1.0.5 Set bot activity - 1.0.4 Use sets for inheritance and make `equals` check just for the class name - 1.0.3 Allow configuring the data folder - 1.0.2 Update docker JDK version - 1.0.1 Log completable future exceptions - 1.0.0 Set up TC publishing