FG_6.0 Changelog 6.0 === - 6.0.10 Add refined logging levels to ApplyPatches task. - 6.0.9 Fix error during setup of legacy MCPConfig builds (#931) - 6.0.8 Make lazy tokens lazier (#928) * Make lazy tokens lazier - Defer reading the user-supplied classpath until needed. - Pass around FileCollections instead of Sets, so we don't need to resolve the contents until actually needed. * Fix gen runs using the wrong classpath * Review cleanup - Add back this-s for consistency - Make classpath merging in makeClasspathToken a little more symmetric. * Annotate getResolvedClasspath as non-null - 6.0.7 Support Gradle caching for some parts of FG (#923) - 6.0.6 Change SignJar output to be marked Internal - 6.0.5 Fix GenIDERunsTask error when output dir doesn't exist - 6.0.4 Disable abstract parameter name collection when reobfuscating mod jars See https://github.com/MinecraftForge/ForgeAutoRenamingTool/pull/27. This would cause massive text files to be put into the final jar, increasing its size. - 6.0.3 Update srgutils to 0.5.3 Fixes #919 - 6.0.2 Fix multiple mappings files with reobf - 6.0.1 Remove the GIT Branch specification from the Pull Request - 6.0.0 Update FART to 1.+