Changelog: Build cpw: Some new stuff on the liquid API for better RP2 interaction. Coming soon: blocks! Build cpw: Tweak liquidcontainer API for sidedness capability Build LexManos: Updated FML, Fixed spelling issues in logs, and file name issues. LexManos: Added saplings and leaves to the ore dict. PR: #242 LexManos: Mods can use custom textures for Slot background overlay, instead of only items.png PR #245 and #246 LexManos: Fix issue where players would spawn in the ground. LexManos: Allow for modders to decide whether or not players are positioned on ridingEntities similarly to pigs PR #244 LexManos: Fix breaking despite cancel in creative mode for PlayerInteractEvent OR #247 Build cpw As agreed, liquid API from BuildCraft has been migrated to minecraft forge. There will be cleanups to follow, including sided handling and client rendering tweaks. Stay tuned! Tweak forgedirection for a couple of naming constants Build cpw: Add toLeft rotational data to ForgeDirection Build LexManos: New field in ForgeDirection to hold just the valid directions. And made getOrientation a bit more efficient. Build LexManos: Fix entity items rendering on the ground. LexManos: Fix crops not droping seeds properly. Build LexManos: Update to 1.4.4 LexManos: Bumped version number for 1.4.4 Build LexManos: Ore Dictionary Improvements, replaces vanilla recipes with OreDict recipes for some vanilla items. Thanks Covert.