Changelog: Build LexManos: Fixed Vinella mob spawning bug that prevented mobs from spawning on the top most chunk. Added new Block function to determine if a Mob can naturally spawn on the block. Add new hook to allow for special case handeling on natural entity spawn. Build LexManos: Fix for loading Minecart Entities in worlds that were last accessed before Forge was installed. Build LexManos: Moved MLMP compatibility functions to ModCompatibilityClient, and fixed issue where no vehicles would be spawned. Build LexManos New ISoundHandler interface, useful for adding custom sounds and dealign with sound based events. Includes basuic AudioMod compatibility. Build LexManos: Fixed vinella bugs when trying to access chunk information with a y < 0 Build LexManos: Updated to FML build #73 LexManos: Added MLMP hook invocation for vehicle spawn and opening GUI's to provide compatibility for clients that have both ModLoaderMP and forge installed. Build LexManos: Exposed TileEntityData packet to TileEntities. And added helper sender function. Build LexManos: Added metadata sensitive Chunk constructor for Bioxx Build LexManos: Added MinecraftApplet.clas to the force output list because users cant understand the concept of only replacing files they are told to. And bumped version to 3.1.2 Build LexManos: made the ID in PacketEntitySpawn unsigned. LexManos: Added generic packet sending function to MinecraftForge class. LexManos: Fixed shift-clicking issue with items that utilized the new ItemStack sensitive smelting system. LexManos: Implemented a 'small' packet system for those mods that need to send rapid, small data packets and who are concered about the overhead of the 250 payload packet. It uses packet 131. Build LexManos: Implemented RichardG's Paged Achivement list GUI modifications. Build t.tomkins: Edits enable use of EntityPlayer.canHarvestBlock (for PlayerAPI) when the ToolClass has no rules for the block. Build LexManos: MAX_ENTITY_RADIUS Now works on the Y axis LexManos: Respawning in dimensions should now properly set the dimension ID for the new player instance. Build LexManos: Fix for vanilla crash for chunk generation with block ID's above 127. Build cpw: Update fml to build 68: fixes a ticking issue and soft vs hard dependencies Build LexManos Changed entity Forge spawning code works to be more in line with normal spawning: (World, double, double double) constructor is nolonger called, normal (World) constructor, and setPositionAndRotation is called afterwords. yaw, pitch, and yawHead is sent (if the entity isn't a EntityLiving yawHead isn't used) The datawatcher data is also sent like a normal Entity. Build LexManos: Fixed bug in BlockFire's old fields. LexManos: Added variable entity radius to World, to be used if a mod make really large entities. Build LexManos: Fixed TileEntity bug that was causing Ghost tile entities. Build LexManos: Multi-pass item rendering now uese proper render pass number. Build LexManos: Added slope velocity hook for Covert Build LexManos: Fixed bugs in the Dimension transfer code, Now displays proper join message, and respawning in dimensions other then 0 works. Build LexManos: Try to fix jenkins build. Build covertjaguar: Added a function for checking block harvest levels without having to resort to reflection. Build LexManos: Added ItemStack sensitive burn time hook. Build LexManos Added new Item function to allow for multiple rendering passes. Fixed a vinella bug where item layters would not line up for EntityItem's Added new IItemRendere helper flag for 3d block translations. Build cpw: Update fml to 62- provision a server console command and fix mod loading order cpw: Update FML for new hooks: onPlayerLogout and onPlayerDimensionChanged LexManos Rewrote IItemRenderer to be a more generic and expandable version, Breaks previous interfaces, but this should be the last time the interface changes. Implemented the MapRender hook ChickenBones requested. Build cpw: Fix separated login/announce handler cpw: FML 59: don't send a zero length register packet, add mod channels Build cpw: Update to FML 57: fixes FML not calling it's login handler code Build LexManos: Changed IGuiHandler's signature to be compatible with both sides. Took out ModLoaderMp reference in README. Build LexManos: MCP Conf update for 1.2.5 LexManos: Initial patch update to FML and MC 1.2.5 LexManos: Deleted patches LexManos: Fixed to now delete old patch files that have no working src relation LexManos: Updated repo scripts to python, allowing more flexability and less code duplication. LexManos: Finished up converting the source dist install scripts to python. Fixed a couple issues with the other scripts. cpw: Update patches for FML fix. cpw: Fix release script to import "inject_version" cpw: Add in recent fml with fixes cpw: Delete the old one too LexManos: Rewrote the login code to delay full login untill forge fnishes negotiating network IDs. Should fix entities not having proper ID mapings. LexManos: Added ChickenBones's request ITextureLoadHandler hook LexManos: Updated patch for mapings LexManos: Implemented ISaveEventHandler as ChickenBones's requested. LexManos: Add server spawn protection config option as per someh4x0r's request. LexManos: Couple of output fixups and added script to be executed by Jenkins during the build. First test build. Build LexManos: Fix some shadowing warnings. LexManos: Some cleanups to update_patches, should run properly on any system now. LexManos: Add IChunkLoadHandler.canEntityUpdate() function to allow entities to update while in custom loaded chunks. LexManos: Implemented a chat event handler system to allow for manipulating and handeling the various chat/command events. Build LexManos: Changed update_patches script to use python for the bulk, Prevents making 1800 temporary useless files. LexManos: Fixed camelcasing in IConnectionHandler, ment to do during first upgrade. Build LexManos: Fixed typo bug in MinecraftForge.getEntityTrackerInfo Build LexManos Updated to MC: 1.2.4 MLMP: 1.2.4 v1 Removed all code that was marked as deprecated, IE: ICustomItemRenderer, and the functions in Configuration Build LexManos: Reworked EntityPlayerMP.openGui to hopefully be more compatible with PlayerAPI Build LexManos: Cleanup the EffectRenderer patches, Allows custom food items to have the proper particals. Cleaned up special case class in favor of basic java generics. Build covertjaguar: Added the ability to define custom categories for config files. covertjaguar: Removed createCategory() function and changed it to create categories as they are encountered. LexManos: Updated MCP mapings LexManos Fixed a couple of bugs in the Configuration categories pull request. Added helper functions to Property for standard int/boolean usage. LexManos: Added rider sit pull request. Build LexManos: Fixed NPE on CustomPayload packets with 0 data LexManos: Changed logic in Configuration to allow for extended block ID mods easier access to change that. Just use reflection to change Configuration.configBlocks to whatever length you want. LexManos: Implemented Pheenixm pull request allowing for more control over the camera. LexManos Added MinecraftForge.isClient() function that returns true if you are in the Minecraft Client, (As defined as net.minecraft.client.Minecraft existing) false otherwise. Fixed a typo on PacketEntitySpawn that caused speed to be assigned improperly. A little code cleanup. Build LexManos: Fixed a few typos that CovertJaguire found in The Forge entity handeling code. And re-wrote the connection sequance so that clients get a list of mod ids before anything else. Build LexManos: Readded the deprecated interface ICustomItemRenderer. Added method to enforce deprecation cross Minecraft versions. Build newthead: Added new item render interfaces to Forge client newthead: Added hook for rendering equipped items newthead: Clarified render option for inventory items newthead: Added remaining item render hooks, and fixed a static method access newthead: Added render code for inventory items and entity items. newthead: Cleanup/fix item render hooks newthead: Added additional flag for rendering entity item bobbing newthead: Merged item rendering interfaces into a single IItemRenderer newthead: Updated render hooks and registration to use the IItemRenderer interface newthead: Modified patches to use new item render hooks newthead: Merged item rendering interfaces into a single IItemRenderer covertjaguar: Fix for network code. newthead: Changed render hook checks to all use ItemStack instead of itemID newthead: Reverted vanilla texture binding to an explicit if() statement based on item ID LexManos: Fixed dyes showing twice in creative list LexManos: Bumped version number to 1.4.1 Build LexManos: Fixed tile entities not properly being removed for blocks that do not extend BlockContainer, or override BlockContainer.onBlockRemoval Build LexManos: Fixed excessive need for user interaction in the install script. LexManos: Fixed a class to a deprecated method to fix tool effectiveness. Build LexManos: Fixed IOException not found error in CovertJaguires pull request. Updated scripts so that build should now be fixed Build LexManos: Reworked the workspace scripts so the build should fail on compile errors. This build should fail as a test. Build covertjaguar: Added throws clause to ISpawnHandler functions to keep the functions consistent with similar functions and increase ease of use. Exceptions are already being caught everywhere these functions are called, so no further changes required. LexManos: Fixed onTakenFromCrafting hooks to be called once per stack taken. Sadly due to how shift-click is handled, the passed in item stack is not garenteed to be the stack that the result was added to. Build LexManos: Fixed forgotten type identifier in clean_src LexManos: New EntityInteract hook for handeling player vs entity interaction on the global level vs the item level. LexManos: Fixed sides of grass not getting biome colors LexManos: Fixed type on patch conversion messing up tile entities LexManos: Proper fix for SDK's invalid bit shifts of parameters for chunk population LexManos: Made BlockStairs, BlockFarmland, and BlockStep have proper sided-solidity. Can now place torches on any solid side of those blocks. Build cpw Fix worldgen doubleshifting in ModLoaderMP until SDK fixes it. This means mods can generate surface and nether in SMP again. Build eloraam: Fixed a merge error. LexManos New script to fix decompile differences between windows and linux/osx. Removed the MLProp special case, no longer needed as MLProp decompiles fine. Updated patches to work on all systems. Added warning and exit if the user does not say yes to the cleanup. Build eloraam: MCP Update. Fixed a few small bugs in the linux scripts. Build LexManos: Fixed the inverted logic in the missing mod check. LexManos: Fixed a wrong argument for dimensions, should fix entity tracking. LexManos: Custom dimensions should now honor the canRespawnHere function for respawning. Build LexManos: Fix up Configuration ids to only work for 256 ids until Jeb finishes the 4096 conversion. Build LexManos: Fixed a bug where vines were not shearable. Build covertjaguar: Fixed a minor bug with the Minecart Dictionary. Build LexManos: 1.4.0 official release. Build LexManos: Updated to MLMPv3 Build LexManos: Hack-fix for players getting stuck during logins. Detailed fix when bug is actually tracked down. LexManos: Implemented ChickenBone's Chunk handler Build LexManos: Fixed client side bonemeal on grass only making flowers LexManos: Updated to latest MCP Build LexManos: Fixed MLMP thinking Network mods need a client side when they dont. LexManos: Fixed a generic tile entity line i missed on the server side. LexManos: Removed improper tile entity negation Build LexManos: Updated to SDK MLMP v2 Build LexManos: Fixed missing double array in MLMP's packet server side. Also, fixed the creative code again, brain failed. Build LexManos: Got my comparitor turned around LexManos: Updated to SDK's 1.2.3 MLMP, Mush cleaner, no longer supporting Flan's. Build LexManos: Updated gitignore, fixed digging particles, fixed creative container showing to many blocks, fixed wrong argument for custom renderers. Build LexManos: Updated MCP's patch files. Fixes hangs on running MC as applet. LexManos: ItemBlock now implements ITextureProvider so that blocks with custom textures will showup properly when being held. Build LexManos: Fixed NPE in the login handler LexManos: Fixed directory issues in the setup script LexManos: Cleanup of ModLoaderMP and proper update to the latest version of ModLoader Build LexManos: Fixed missing space in linux scripts LexManos: No longer mark forge packets as chunk packets. LexManos: Updated MCP mapings files Build LexManos: Updated scripts so that we use Fernflower now. Added a small python script to download fernflower for the user. And the scripts exit out if it fails. LexManos: Deleted modLoaderMP.patch, unneeded now that we use Fernflower LexManos: Updated eclipse project for MCP 1.2.3's inclusion of the Start folder in the src folder. LexManos: Updated The Json enum helper to point to the new packaged names. And fixed a casing change in ModLoader LexManos: Made mod_MinecraftForge extend NetworkMod, and changed NetworkMod to extend BaseModMP server side. LexManos: Fixed unneeded imports in ForgePacket LexManos: removed unneeded import, and fixed casing of args in IShearable LexManos: Deleted EntityPigZombie patches, Who needed these? Why could you not do this via reflection? LexManos: Conf for 1.2.3 LexManos: Same patch diff, files. LexManos: No longer needed, bug was fixed LexManos: Client side initial patch update to Fernflower and MC 1.2.3 LexManos: Bit of a cleanup of the client patches LexManos: Couple of things I missed client side LexManos: Deleted unneeded server side patches, Packet250 bug was fixed. And the others got moved to AnvilSaveHandler LexManos: First push of server side patch updates for 1.2.3. MLMP is still not updated so it does not include those changes, and will not compile. LexManos: Small imports cleanup LexManos: Missed damageCarryover on the server LexManos: Made the scripts forge updating md5s/mcp/names LexManos: Updated for MLMP 1.2.3 v1 Build LexManos: Bumped version to 1.3.4, final commit for Minecraft v1.1 Build LexManos: Fixed bug in build script that caused the Minecraft/MinecraftServer classes to not be included. Build LexManos: Client side of the new Dimension support. Build LexManos: Fixed compile error for the spelling pull request. Build thedeveducer: Fixed spelling mistake ('Frequancy') LexManos: Fixed ITextureprovider for multi-textured items when rendering on the GUI. Build LexManos: Fixed up Shearable blocks to play nicer with sub-classes. LexManos: Fixed line endings in windows update_patches LexManos: Deleted Deprecated interfaces. LexManos: Ran AStyle over forge code for uniform code formatting, and refactored old code a bit to have cleaner names. Build connor: People may think the server needs the mods to continue and not the client. Build LexManos: Fixed a bug in update_patches that caused apostrphies to be removed. Causing the last patch to be generated incorrectly. Build LexManos Initial attempt at server side extra dimensions support. Mods must register there dimensions on load, by calling DimensionManager.registerDimension(uniqueID, WorldProvier, boolean) Mods are resposible for writing there own transporter blocks. Initial commit, needs some more testing and design thoughts. Build LexManos: Added new Item.getIconIndex context sensitive version. LexManos: Implemented a response to Methuselah96's Arrow hook request. See IArrowNockHandler and IArrowLooseHandler Build LexManos: Changed the layout of the missing mods gui a little. Still needs a lot of work to look good. LexManos: Marked forge packets as 'chunk' packets. Giving them a higher priority making the initial mod list check more reliable. LexManos: Introduced some debugging info into Forge packets. And a debug flag in the client and server packet handlers. LexManos: Moved Client side EntityPlayer.openGui work code to EntityPlayer for compatibility between player API. Build eloraam: Linux scripts fixed, TE bug fix. eloraam: Fixed linux scripts, fixed TE bug. Build LexManos: Exposed getters for NetServerHandler.playerEntity and NetworkManager.netHandler LexManos Introuduced NetworkMod, a BaseMod extension and replacement for BaseModMP. All mods that are designed to work in the server environment should extend this. NetworkMods will be assigned unique ModIDs by the server, and those IDs will be sent to the client upon connection. Refactored Forge packets to the net.minecraft.src.forge.packets package. And introduced the base ForgePacket class. Added initial ModList request/response. LexManos Expanded the Mod check to test for missing mods and display a GUI screen for the client if it is missing any. The client now downloads NetworkMod ID's from the server upon connecting. LexManos: Implemented a generic EntityPlayer.openGui system, and the network backend for it to work on server and client. Build LexManos Fixed up the install scripts. The linux script no longer needs sed. Should fix some issues on OSX's without gsed. Also forge sources will only be copied to sides that were downloaded. Also, install scripts now prompt for input to cleanup. Build LexManos: Split mod_MinecraftForge so that Clients arnt required to have MLMP installed if they don't use a MP mod. Build LexManos: Update MCP Mapings LexManos: Small update to update_patches.bat, to skip patch reject files. LexManos: Bumped version to 1.3.3 Build LexManos Refactored so that ISpecialArmor items do not see the factor of 25 on the damage. The value returned form ISpecialArmor.getProperties is now copied, so mod items are free to re-use there return values. Build LexManos Reworked ISpecialArmor to provide better functionality as requested by IC2 devs. Armor can now be prioritized over other armor. It can deal with damaging it's own itemstacks. Also impkemented the ISpecialArmor.getArmorDisplay Build LexManos: Lowered the amount of build log spam, and fixed the inject_version script for use on other systems. LexManos: Fixed ITextureProvider support for items that have multiple colored overlays. LexManos: Added Item.onLeftClickEntity hook. Used to intercept and cancel the 'attack' action within items. LexManos: Implemented item.onBlockStartBreak call for creative single player. LexManos: Implimented a new IShearable system. This allows mods to create both new shear-like items/blocks. As well as new Entities/Blocks that work with other mod's shear-like items. Build LexManos: Missed a caluse, ISpecialArmor should work as intended now. And not destroy Armor instanatly. Build LexManos Implmented Sengir's IPickupHandler. Build LexManos Merged in the change to ISpecialArmor to introduce the DamageSource argument. As well as the concept of damage absorption vs reduction. Build LexManos Created a Entity tracking ans spawning system. Mod creators should call MinecraftForge.registerEntity to register a entity. All entity ID numbers are Mod Unique. Meaning two mods can have Entity #1. Added client and server side packet handlers for the 'Forge' channel. For use in internal packets such as the new Spawn packet. Updated the build scripts to copy over unique server source files now that there actually are some. For modders: If you have a entity that used MLMP's 'owner' system, you should have your entity implement IThrowableEntity If you have a entity that implments MLMLP's ISpawnable, you should implement ISpawnHandler. They provide the same functionality, just in a cleaner, more orginized way and will be the method used when we eventually drop MLMP. Build LexManos: Fixed return value for un/registerChannel. Now returns properly indicate when un/register commands should be sent. Build LexManos Setup .gitignore for eclipse bin dirs. Fixed line endings in Added mod_MinecraftForge for simpler logging of minecraft version in crash reports Added new hooks for connection events, See IConnectionHandler for more details. Added Packet250CustomPayload handeling and channel registraction management, see MessageManager and IPacketHandler for more details. Forge now uses unsed fields in C->S Packet1Login to identify itself. None Forge clients will get a graceful disconnect message instead of the 'Unknown packet 230'