1.18.x Changelog 39.0 ==== - 39.0.57 Simplify usage of IItemRenderProperties::getArmorModel (#8349) - 39.0.56 Hide mod update notification while screen is still fading in (#8386) - 39.0.55 Revert "Hooks to allow registering and managing custom DFU schemes and types. (#8242)" - 39.0.54 Provide NPE protection against out of order init of the TYPES and REF (#8410) - 39.0.53 Add ShieldBlockEvent (#8261) - 39.0.52 Add renderable API to allow easier rendering of OBJ and other custom models, from Entity and BlockEntity renderers. (#8259) This is a redesign of a discarded section of my initial model system rewrite, back in 1.14. In order to use it with the OBJ loader, you can use OBJLoader.INSTANCE.loadModel to get the OBJModel, and then call OBJModel#bakeRenderable() to get a SimpleRenderable object to render with. The SimpleRenderable support animation, by providing different transformation matrices for each part in the MultipartTransforms. Additionally, a BakedRenderable helper exists to turn an arbitrary BakedModel into a renderable. After trying to get the B3D loader to work, I decided it wasn't worth the trouble and marked it for removal instead. - 39.0.51 Merge values of defaulted optional tags, Fixes issue where multiple mods declare the same optional tag. (#8250) - 39.0.50 Added new 1.18 biomes to the BiomeDictionary (#8246) - 39.0.49 Hooks to allow registering and managing custom DFU schemes and types. (#8242) - 39.0.48 Ping data compression (#8169) - 39.0.47 Expand the LevelStem codec to allow dimension jsons to specify that the dimension's chunk generator should use the overworld/server's seed (#7955) - 39.0.46 Add Client Commands (#7754) - 39.0.45 Remove references to the now-broken `BlockEntity#save(CompoundTag)` method (#8235) - 39.0.44 update McModLauncher libraries to newer versions... - 39.0.43 add extra keystore properties - 39.0.42 TeamCity change in 'MinecraftForge / MinecraftForge' project: project parameters were changed - 39.0.41 TeamCity change in 'MinecraftForge / MinecraftForge' project: project parameters were changed - 39.0.40 TeamCity change in 'MinecraftForge / MinecraftForge' project: project parameters were changed - 39.0.39 TeamCity change in 'MinecraftForge / MinecraftForge' project: project parameters were changed - 39.0.38 TeamCity change in 'MinecraftForge / MinecraftForge' project: project parameters were changed - 39.0.37 TeamCity change in 'MinecraftForge / MinecraftForge' project: project parameters were changed - 39.0.36 fix crowdin key - 39.0.35 TeamCity change in 'MinecraftForge / MinecraftForge' project: project parameters were changed - 39.0.34 TeamCity change in 'MinecraftForge / MinecraftForge' project: project parameters were changed - 39.0.33 TeamCity change in 'MinecraftForge / MinecraftForge' project: project parameters were changed - 39.0.32 fix secondary branches builds - 39.0.31 TeamCity change in 'MinecraftForge / MinecraftForge' project: parameters of 'Build - Secondary Branches' build configuration were updated - 39.0.30 TeamCity change in 'MinecraftForge / MinecraftForge' project: VCS roots of 'Build - Secondary Branches' build configuration were updated - 39.0.29 TeamCity change in 'MinecraftForge / MinecraftForge' project: VCS roots of 'Build - Secondary Branches' build configuration were updated - 39.0.28 TeamCity change in 'MinecraftForge / MinecraftForge' project: VCS roots of 'Build - Secondary Branches' build configuration were updated - 39.0.27 TeamCity change in 'MinecraftForge / MinecraftForge' project: parameters of 'Build - Secondary Branches' build configuration were updated - 39.0.26 TeamCity change in 'MinecraftForge / MinecraftForge' project: parameters of 'Build - Secondary Branches' build configuration were updated - 39.0.25 TeamCity change in 'MinecraftForge / MinecraftForge' project: VCS roots of 'Build - Secondary Branches' build configuration were updated - 39.0.24 Remove primary branches from building on secondary branch configuration and publish crowdin data. (#8397) * Remove the normalized branch names also from the filter. * Add the additional publishing arguments to get the crowdin information. * TeamCity change in 'MinecraftForge / MinecraftForge' project: project parameters were changed * Fix the configuration. * Remove the required patch and use the base script. * Make a note about the reference. Co-authored-by: cpw - 39.0.23 TeamCity change in 'MinecraftForge / MinecraftForge' project: project parameters were changed - 39.0.22 Correct the build configuration to support a setup. (#8395) * Add a setup task and publish the correct versions. * Reconfigure build task and disable the normal build and test cycle on everything but pull requests, run an assemble there. * Fix the derp in the build configuration. - 39.0.21 Enable the TeamCity CI pipeline (#8368) * Setup the build.gradle * Setup the teamcity toolchain. * Revert the usage of the local build of GU. * Automatically add it now, it will always exist and is added to maven automatically by GU. * Implement the branch filter and move the constant for the minimal changelog tag to a constant in the extension. * Adding the JDK and Gradle version to the build script. - 39.0.20 Fix and improve Ingredient invalidation (#8361) - 39.0.19 Rework world persistence hooks to fix the double registry injection when loading single player worlds. (#8234) - 39.0.18 Update tags for new 1.17 and 1.18 content (#7891) - 39.0.17 Fix TerrainParticle rendering black under certain conditions (#8378) - 39.0.16 Allow modded tools to work on glow lichen (#8371) - 39.0.15 Fix custom climbable blocks not sending a death message (#8372) Fixes #8370 - 39.0.14 Provide access to the blockstate in BucketPickup#getPickupSound for multiply-logged blocks (#8357) - 39.0.13 Fix clients being unable to deserialize tags for custom registries (#8352) - 39.0.12 Fix particles going fullbright for a few frames when first spawning (#8291) - 39.0.11 Also create parent directories when creating config files (#8364) - 39.0.10 Fix crash with PermissionsAPI (#8330) Fixes a crash in singleplayer, when the internal server didn't shut down correctly between world loads. - 39.0.9 Re-add missing default spawn lists in features (#8285) Fixes #8265 Fixes #8301 - 39.0.8 Fixed incorrect generic in PermissionAPI (#8317) - 39.0.7 Redo of the whole PermissionAPI (#7780) Co-authored-by: LexManos - 39.0.6 Fix misplaced patch in SpreadingSnowyDirtBlock. Fixes #8308. - 39.0.5 Add RenderArmEvent to make overriding just the arm rendering not require copying nearly as much vanilla code (#8254) - 39.0.4 Add MobEffect tags (#8231) - 39.0.3 Log missing or unsupported dependencies (#8218) - 39.0.2 Fix datagen test for sounds definitions provider (#8249) - 39.0.1 Fix wrong stage being declared in transition to common (#8267) - 39.0.0 Update to 1.18.1 Co-Authored by: - Curle _ Orion