Build: 1.18-38.0.13 - Fri Dec 03 22:10:25 GMT 2021 commoble: Fix test worldgen data (#8248) ========= Build: 1.18-38.0.12 - Thu Dec 02 20:16:47 GMT 2021 lexmanos: Allow Forge Registries to return key information for overridden objects. Fixes #8230 ========= Build: 1.18-38.0.11 - Thu Dec 02 19:17:12 GMT 2021 curle: Save Chunk capabilities to the chunk, rather than recursively to the capabilities. ========= Build: 1.18-38.0.10 - Thu Dec 02 15:24:47 GMT 2021 gigaherz: Make HandshakeConsumer public again. Fixes #8241 gigaherz: Fix LevelChunk capability attach crash. Fix client chunks not having capability providers attached. Add capability attach tests. ========= Build: 1.18-38.0.8 - Thu Dec 02 00:44:15 GMT 2021 curle: Add missing biomes back to the BiomeDictionary curle: Complete TODO in ShapedRecipe patch causing logspam related to minecraft:air ========= Build: 1.18-38.0.6 - Wed Dec 01 22:12:05 GMT 2021 curle: Readd Mixin 0.8.5 to fix modules issues. ========= Build: 1.18-38.0.5 - Wed Dec 01 16:56:24 GMT 2021 curle: Readd PoseStack field to RenderTooltipEvent. ========= Build: 1.18-38.0.4 - Wed Dec 01 01:29:57 GMT 2021 curle: Fix custom loot serializers using wrong registry names ========= Build: 1.18-38.0.3 - Wed Dec 01 01:15:13 GMT 2021 lexmanos: Fix DungeonHooks not returning correct values. Fixes dungeons in world spawning pigs. ========= Build: 1.18-38.0.2 - Wed Dec 01 00:23:23 GMT 2021 lexmanos: Fix dedicated server install. Closes #8226 Fix example mod Fix obf issue with records. Closes #8228 Fix dependencies beingg out of sync from vanilla. Closes #8227 Disable mixin due to module incompatibility. ========= Build: 1.18-38.0.1 - Tue Nov 30 20:56:52 GMT 2021 gigaherz: Fix mod resources not loading. Add which I forgot to commit during the porting.