Build: 1.0.18 - Wed May 12 23:32:00 GMT 2021 sciwhiz12: Update to Gradle 7.0.1 sciwhiz12: Update buildscript to new Forge maven location sciwhiz12: Update Jenkinsfile Based off of ForgeGradle's Jenkinsfile sciwhiz12: Update to SLF4J 1.7.30 Somehow, 1.7.28 is failing to download for me, so to mitigate this permanently, SLF4J is now updated to the current latest of 1.7.30. sciwhiz12: Update ASM to 9.1 Adds support for Java 16 (ASM 9.0) and Java 17 sciwhiz12: Update to SrgUtils 0.4.3 sciwhiz12: Update buildscript plugins to latest versions Licenser plugin changed from `net.minecrell` to `org.cadixdev`. sciwhiz12: Remove buildscript repositories block All present plugins are either core Gradle plugins, or present on the Gradle plugin portal (which is always added as a plugin repository). sciwhiz12: Call publication create method instead of relying on DSL Removes warnings caused by the IDE not recognizing the syntax properly. sciwhiz12: Use java software component instead of manual artifact declarations sciwhiz12: Remove build task dependency on shadowJar sciwhiz12: Remove jcenter, fix missed Forge Maven url sciwhiz12: Replace source/targetCompatibility with java toolchains ========= Build: 1.0.4 - Tue Nov 26 01:11:29 GMT 2019 lexmanos: Use SRGUtils for loading PG File. ========= Build: 1.0.3 - Mon Oct 28 19:29:34 GMT 2019 jrd2558: Fix crash when stripping whole line comments ========= Build: 1.0.1 - Mon Sep 09 18:53:28 GMT 2019 lexmanos: Add Discord Jenkins notification. ========= Build: 1.0.1 - Mon Sep 09 18:52:17 GMT 2019 lexmanos: Add Discord Jenkins notification.