master Changelog 0.1 === - 0.1.25 Rename constant pool entries in place (#24) The current use of ClassWriter(ClassReader,int) meant that all existing constant pool entries from the ClassReader are copied as-is to the new class, and any renamed constant pool entries are merely appended to the pool rather than replacing the original non-renamed entries (as specified in the javadoc of said ClassWriter constructor). To avoid the waste of constant pool space by those unused non-renamed entries, RenamingTransformer now creates a fresh ClassWriter (not passing in the ClassReader). Note that ASM does some reordering of the constant pool (and some other attributes) that deviate from the order outputted by javac. - 0.1.24 Relocate shaded deps to be under FART's package (#17) - 0.1.23 Fix FF line number remapping (#18) - 0.1.22 Add more descriptive information to rethrown exceptions (#16) - 0.1.21 Bump SRGUtils to 0.4.9 to fix Fix concurrency issues (#13) - 0.1.20 TeamCity change in 'MinecraftForge / FART' project: project settings were updated - 0.1.19 Use master as default branch in TeamCity (#15) - 0.1.18 Add support for building on TeamCity. (#14) - 0.1.17 Bump SRGUtils to 0.4.7, Fix potential concurrency issues (#11) - 0.1.16 Backport ASM MR 327 to fix generated method remapping in records (#10) - 0.1.15 Declare SRGUtils it in the api configuration (#9) - 0.1.14 Strip code-signing signatures from manifest when remapping (#6) - 0.1.13 Attach a name to each task for better blaming when exceptions happen (#7) - 0.1.12 Add an option to reverse mappings from the CLI (#8) - 0.1.11 Expose transformers to API and allow redirecting logging (#3) - 0.1.10 Fix record fields not being made private if that was the only change to the class. (#5) - 0.1.9 Use bytecode information for staticness, not tsrg2 metadata (#4) - 0.1.8 Preserve order that we see record entries in, as it determines the order FF decompiles them. - 0.1.7 Add `--record-fix`, fixes Proguard stripping record data - 0.1.6 Fix Null Pointer in ParameterAnnotationFixer on some classes compiled with J16. Fix creating parent directories when using unqualified path. - 0.1.5 Fix recursion error, and fix RenamingTransformer creating duplicate files if applied multiple times. - 0.1.4 Add --ff-line-numbers, which will adjust line numbers to align with output from ForgeFlower See for more details. - 0.1.3 Add --src-fix argument, this fixes the "SourceFile" attribute of classes. Currently only supports .java style names. If you want other language names PR it. - 0.1.2 Fix Executor not shutting down. Add --threads argument, to specify the number of threads to use when processing entries. Add --ids-fix argument to fix invalid local variable names {things that are not valid java identifiers}. This disabels the 'snowman' fix by default. Use --ids-fix snowmen to fix JUST snowmen. Or --ids-fix [all] to fix all no matter the name, as long as it's invalid. - 0.1.1 Small fixes (#1) - 0.1.0 Initial commit