main Changelog 0.1 === - 0.1.21 fix PRs - 0.1.20 fix publishing - 0.1.19 Add teamcity elements - 0.1.18 Update GradleUtils to 2.x and add changelog task - 0.1.17 Use fileName.startsWith instead of contains. Should make filters a bit more strict. Closes #6 - 0.1.16 Add support for loading the legacy classpath from a file. (#5) - 0.1.15 Fix parsing unused merged module name (#4) - 0.1.14 Add module merging - 0.1.13 Add debug flag and restructure code to make it easier to step through/understand. - 0.1.12 Fix Package filter to allow shared parent pakages. - 0.1.11 Use commaand for ignore separator, and pathSeperator for classpath as it's provided by the launcher. - 0.1.10 use a filter for the server jar when loading. - 0.1.9 ignorelist - 0.1.8 add in all the modules - 0.1.7 Give a sensible name - 0.1.6 Parenting fun - 0.1.5 Revert "parent the loader" This reverts commit 56b5fe78 - 0.1.4 parent the loader - 0.1.3 It needs to be a mutable list - 0.1.2 flip the order so later entries come first.. - 0.1.1 use the securejar system so we get all the historic properties in the module world. - 0.1.0 use a serviceloader to locate the entrypoint, and launch that way. Much neater and no nasty reflection needed.